Crowbar (Railcraft)



Name Crowbar
Source Mod Railcraft
ID Name
Type Tool
Stackable No
Durability 250

The Crowbar is a multi-purpose tool any rail engineer should carry. It makes removal of old rails a breeze and even works on Detector Blocks and Loaders. Additionally, right-clicking on a rail will allow you to adjust the rail. Most of the time that means reversing the rail's direction, but some rails like the Launcher Track will open a GUI. Right-clicking a Detector Block, Cart Dispenser, or Advanced Loader will turn the block to face the side clicked on.

The Crowbar can also interact with carts in number of ways. Of interest is the ability to give carts a small boost just by whacking them with the Crowbar (right click). Additionally, the Crowbar can be used to link carts together with shift right-click, see Cart Linking for more information.

An upgraded version of the Crowbar exists, the Reinforced Crowbar that is made of Steel Ingots instead of Iron. The functionality is the same, but the durability of the tool is better.

Occasionally, crowbars can be found as loot in Abandoned Mineshafts, Dungeons and Village Blacksmith chests.

The Crowbar can be enchanted using the usual tool enchantments. It has a durability of 250 and can be repaired using Iron Ingots.


GUI Crafting Table.png
Red Dye (Minecraft)
Iron Ingot
Red Dye (Minecraft)
Iron Ingot
Red Dye (Minecraft)
Iron Ingot
Red Dye (Minecraft)

Crowbar (Railcraft)

Red Dye Red Dye can be substituted with Sulfur Goo Sulfur Goo.

GregTech 5[edit]

GUI Crafting Table.png
Hammer (GregTech 5)
Hammer (GregTech 5)
Red Dye (Minecraft)
Red Dye (Minecraft)
Iron Ingot
Iron Ingot
Red Dye (Minecraft)
Red Dye (Minecraft)
Iron Ingot
Iron Ingot
Red Dye (Minecraft)
Red Dye (Minecraft)
Iron Ingot
Iron Ingot
Red Dye (Minecraft)
Red Dye (Minecraft)
File (GregTech 5)
File (GregTech 5)
Crowbar (Railcraft)


Crowbar (Railcraft) can be used to create the following items: