User talk:ZL123

Crafting Grid

Looking over the template, it looks like the appropriate argument for the "float" property would be one of:

  • left
  • right
  • inherit
  • none

since it's fed straight into a style tag. Unless I've read it incorrectly, using "float=1" doesn't make any sense. --timrem (talk) 09:28, 15 February 2013 (CET)

Ah, then it appears you're using a kludge where the proper solution is just as easy. The default value, if you don't specify 'float' at all, is 'left'. By overriding it with '1', you're removing the float:left style, but since float:1 doesn't mean anything, it's treating it as float:none. The appropriate way to achieve what you're after would be using "float=none" directly (or just adding a <br /> between template calls). I'm not actually sure why it's designed with float:left as the default, perhaps it would be easier to change the template so the default is float:none? --timrem (talk) 19:34, 15 February 2013 (CET)
According to w3schools, "Specifies that the value of the float property should be inherited from the parent element". So, if you had:
     <p style="float:right">
       <div style="float:inherit">Foo</div>
then the inner div element would use 'right', because the parent p element has that specified. I don't see much use for it in the template in question. --timrem (talk) 22:46, 17 February 2013 (CET)

AH HA!!!

So THAT is why we could never see mutated leaves and also why mutated leaves just seemingly randomly started to appear to me!
ƒelinoel ~ (Talk) 05:08, 7 October 2013 (CEST)