
Wiki information: I try to add information to mods and items that I had questions about, and found answers to them, so that others can get my results with a lot less work. I get a significant amount of information in my pages, but often need formatting and grammatical edits. Feel free to leave ANY feedback, I've got the gist of the rules/formats on here, but haven't read into it a lot. I'm planning to edit (add) a lot of the mod pages that either don't exist or have minimal content in them - I'll provide enough information for the page to be worth keeping. I haven't previously edited any other wiki, but I've used forums quite often.

Oh boy, way too cluttered. Will organize later :P

Here's a lame page description. Will update eventually.

Name: I'm usually referred to as 'jag' online.

Username: NaturalDeath

Age: 20

'Played minecraft since:'Bold text Beta 1.3 (I think it's a little before wolves were added); 2011 sometime.

Fun fact: my houses in minecraft start out normal, but my expansions make them look awful :P

Modpacks Played: Dw20, unleashed, monster, horizons (and some custom ones)

Mods used (all survival mode); only going to list the ones I use the most:

IC2 - one of the main mods I use, I've used gregtech as well but I have a love/hate relationship with it. Never gotten an ultimate solar panel, but I have made the gravi-chestplate

Buildcraft - mostly for the pipes, but occasionally I need to use a machine - magma crucible and aqueous accumulator

Thaumcraft 2 & 3 + thaumic tinkerer - I generally get all the researches done. I use golems for farming, mirror + hungry chest for a sorting system, arcane bore to mine the silk touch'd coal/redstone/lapis blocks I get, and most of the gear/tools

Dartcraft - It was only available in one of the modpacks I've used, but I think I got to tier 6 out of 7. Really liked it though

Twilight forest - I usually go in mid-game so that most of the mobs aren't too much of a threat - I have yet to kill the Urgast boss

Steve's carts - I'm not very good with it, but it makes killer tree farms.

Railcraft - I use steam boiler + turbine to generate IC power with the creosote and coal coke that I get from the coke furnaces. Also the blast furnace to make steel (though I'm pretty sure rotarycraft's blast furnace is much more efficient, and HSLA ingots are convertable to regular steel).

RotaryCraft - Needs TONS of iron :(. I really only have gotten into the basic machines, but I find it interesting and hope to get to late-game machinery eventually. The Extractor (RotaryCraft) is really the machine I was going for when I started it. It averages 5x of the ore you input, including diamond ore blocks and emerald.

Magical Farms - Really useful for passive resource generation (I use golems from thaumcraft to automate). I don't consider it to be too OP, because of all the essence you need to collect in order to make the seeds.

Equivalent Exchange - definitely say that it's OP, started to disable it. Most used recipe was enderpearls into iron (with an endermen farm)


I play on a small private server (no pvp) that my friends maintain. Possibly interested in joining a larger server.

I have used Voxelbox to create large buidlings in creative mode, but they're locked away somewhere. If I can find a picture I'll include it.


Things I consider to be OP (overpowered):

Equivalent Exchange - described above

Enhanced Pendants from Geostrata - they keep maximum potion effects applied to you while having them in your inventory, and they're not /that/ expensive.

All the things that add storage space to your inventory - you can get loads of extra inventory very easily. Golden bags of holding in particular, because you can put them inside each other, though there isn't a way to tell them apart. Haven't tried naming on an anvil.

Modular powersuit - unless you have gregtech enabled, it's really easy (just a bit of iron) to make this. You can get it close to the start of the game and be more or less invincible.