
< User:Kahless61

To start with Thaumcraft 3, you only need 3 things: A Wand of the Apprentice, a place to charge it with Vis, and a spare Bookshelf.


For the wand, acquire a Gold Ingot (or, more concisely, a Gold Nugget), a stick, and any Shard. Then construct the wand like so:

GUI Crafting Table.png
Earth Shard (Thaumcraft 3)


Gold Nugget

Wand of the Apprentice

Again, any shard can be used, it doesn't just have to be an Earth shard like pictured.


Once you have your wand, hold it in your hand and you will see a bar in the bottom-right indicating the charge, between 0 and 50 Vis. The next step is charging your wand. You may be fairly lucky, and your home is already near a source of Vis, and your wand will automatically start to charge, so move on to the next step. You may be unlucky and your wand is not charging at all, in which case, you'll need to wander around and maybe explore the surroundings of your house a bit until you find an area where your wand starts charging.

A few common indicators that there may be vis nearby are Silverwood Trees, Greatwood Trees, Wisps, a Village, a [[Mineshaft], Jungles, a Barrow Hill, and an Altar - however none of these are guaranteed. Simply explore around until you see your want starting to charge. Remember that area for if you need to charge your wand again.


Once you have a charged wand and a bookshelf placed somewhere, simply right click the bookshelf with the want, and it will magically turn into a really shiny book. Pick it up and you now have a Thaumonomicon, basically your own personal guide to Thaumcraft. Place it in your hand and right click to open it. Inside you will see a bunch of icons, some of them connected with lines. You can drag this screen around with your mouse, and you can mouse over icons to see what they are. The bunch of icons at the top-left are all the very basic concepts of Thaumcraft, and everything you need to know to get started. Click on any concept to see a more detailed description (assuming it's available to you at this time)

Now you the very basics of Thaumcraft to get started. Anything beyond this point will either be Spoilers or redundant of the information in your Thaumonomicon, so continue at your own risk!


Before we can actually create anything in Thaumcraft, we have to Research it. This doesn't mean looking up the recipe on the wiki or going to the library and reading a book on it; this is a Thaumcraft concept if in-game research. To do this, we need to craft and use a Research Table.

Research Table

To do this, first craft two Tables:

GUI Crafting Table.png
Wood Slab
Wood Slab
Wood Slab
Wood Planks
Wood Planks

Table (Thaumcraft 3)

You will also need Scribing Tools:

GUI Crafting Table.png
Glass Phial (Thaumcraft 3)

Ink Sac

Scribing Tools (Thaumcraft 3)

You may use a Glass Bottle in place of the Glass Phial, however Glass Phials will be useful later. To craft a Glass Phial, it's the same as the Glass Bottle, just with a Clay ball at the top.

At this point, I would recommend picking out an area for doing thaumcraft stuff. Many people create a room dedicated to it, sometimes even a building separate from your house (in case things go wrong!), although that may require a bit of walking back and forth.

Place down your tables next to each other, and then right click on one of them with the Scribing Tools. It will turn into a Research Table. Please familiarize yourself with the interface, which is explained on the page for Research Table, as the remainder of this tutorial will assume you have a basic understanding of what the different slots are for. Note that you will be spending a lot of time with the Research Table.