
Name everystat13
Name Tom
In-game name everystat13
Age 16
First MC version Beta 1.2
Country The Netherlands
Languages spoken Well: Dutch, English. Reasonable: German. Bad: French.
Occupation High-school student
Favourite modpack Mindcrack

Hey everyone, I am everystat13 and I'm a contributor on this fantastic Wiki. Feed The Beast came out late 2012 and I didn't really pay attention to it, until a server I played on also started a Feed The Beast server. Since then I'm hooked, and I barely play regular Minecraft anymore. I started contributing to the old Feed The Beast Wikia, until someone there said this one existed. Because of the different layout it took me a while but I started contributing here eventually too.

If you ever need anything, feel free to leave a message on my talk page. I archive it every month, to make sure it stays nice and tidy.

Have a good Feed The Beast time!

everystat13|Talk page|Contribs