
Hey y'all. I'm a humble Christian Mechanical Engineer, programmer, sign-language interpreter, husband, gamer, pianist, and amateur writer from Hermon, NY currently working at PCC in Pensacola, FL.

I've benefited a lot from this site the last few weeks, and now I want to help it out. I'm willing to accept design or Tutorial requests. Just leave a message here.

See me more at


Comment pages

Most recently, I've been deleting all the comment pages from the older version of the site. Some of the posts have some good stuff. However, since I'm deleting them, I need a place to save the goodies; I'll add it here.

  • 2X's Dense Ores with 8X's Constant Storms (Charged) and 8X's Lava Lakes makes a fairly stable world with some negative side effects, but not world ending. - Definitely good to know since Dense Ores is an automatic unstable world. This note was in reference to making a GregTech Fusion Reactor with less work.
  • Greatwood trees can have treasure chests buried under them with some REALLY great stuff in them. Side note: sometimes the spider spawner is underground (hidden) so don't give it one glance, and then start harvesting without decent armor/weapons.
  • Additional Forestry site (link)
  • If the modpack that the player is using contains RedPower 2, the Relay is better than the Hopper/Chute.
  • Add a Brain-in-a-jar next to an infernal furnace to catch the XP that falls out
--- Infernal Furnace might not work right if the Aura around it is too small