Underground Biomes

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Underground Biomes is a mod that adds biome-like differences to the underground.

  • Overhauls the underground experience with Underground Biomes that define the rock types present.
  • These biomes occur differently to the surface biomes making exploration underground more interesting
  • Adds 57 new blocks using 12 block IDs and 2 new items (so far):
  • 8 types of Igneous rock with Cobblestone and Bricks
  • 8 types of Metamorphic rock with Cobblestone and Bricks
  • Half slabs for all Brick types
  • 8 types of sedimentary rock
  • A coal storage block (for Minecraft 1.5.x and earlier)
  • Lignite, a low quality coal found in large quantities
  • Fossil piece, a rare drop found in sedimentary rock and crafted to bone meal
  • All Vanilla recipes updated to use new rock, cobble and brick types
  • A very rare drop of lapis lazuli and redstone from deep metamorphic stone
  • A very rare drop of gold and other mod metal nuggets from deep igneous stone
  • A rare drop of fossils (from limestone, chalk, siltstone, lignite and dolomite), flint items (from chert) and clay (from shale)

Rock hardness table

Block  % Hardness Blast resistance

Vanilla (for comparison):

 Minecraft Stone   100%   1.5        30
 Sandstone          53%   0.8         4
 End stone         200%   3.0        45


 Red Granite       150%   2.25       40.5
 Black Granite     140%   2.1        39.3
 Rhyolite          110%   1.65       33.3
 Andesite          120%   1.8        36.0
 Gabbro             80%   1.2        21.0
 Basalt            120%   1.8        36.0
 Komatiite         130%   1.95       37.8
 Dacite            100%   1.5        30.0


 Gneiss            110%   1.65       33.3
 Eclogite          100%   1.5        30.0
 Marble            110%   1.65       33.3
 Quartzite         130%   1.95       37.8
 Blue Schist        70%   1.05       16.2
 Green Schist       70%   1.05       16.2
 Soapstone          40%   0.6         6.0
 Migmatite          90%   1.35       25.8


 Limestone          50%   0.75        8.7
 Chalk              50%   0.75        8.7
 Shale              50%   0.75        8.7
 Siltstone          60%   0.9        12.0
 Lignite            50%   0.75        8.7
 Dolomite           50%   0.75        8.7
 Greywacke         100%   1.5        30.0
 Chert              90%   1.35       25.8

(Bricks and slabs are the same as smooth stone, cobblestone is 33% harder to mine but has the same blast resistance) [1]

  1. Taken directly form Minecraft Forum post by mod owner (http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1593704-)