Tutorial:Record additions

  • First of all, download the sample resource pack from http://www.curse.com/texture-packs/minecraft/225881-loot-custom-resources.
  • Put it in your resourcepacks folder, and enable it ingame.
  • It contains some sample textures and sounds which we can use for adding some example records (based on the ingame music).
  • Open up the records.cfg file inside the config/Loot++ folder.
  • Follow the instructions in that file to add the records. The sounds.json file and such should already be correctly set up if you are using the example resource pack.
  • Here's the same list of record entries without the * in front of them (added by the config file) for easier copying and pasting:
       creative1-biome_fest-C418 - Biome Fest
       creative2-blind_spots-C418 - Blind Spots
       creative3-haunt_muskie-C418 - Haunt Muskie
       creative4-aria_math-C418 - Aria Math
       creative5-dreiton-C418 - Dreiton
       creative6-taswell-C418 - Taswell
       end-end-C418 - The End
       credits-alpha-C418 - Alpha
       nether1-concrete_halls-C418 - Concrete Halls
       nether2-dead_voxel-C418 - Dead Voxel
       nether3-warmth-C418 - Warmth
       nether4-ballad_of_the_cats-C418 - Ballad of the Cats
       menu1-mutation-C418 - Mutation
       menu2-moog_city_2-C418 - Moog City 2
       menu3-beginning_2-C418 - Beginning 2
       menu4-floating_trees-C418 - Floating Trees
       calm1-minecraft-C418 - Minecraft
       calm2-clark-C418 - Clark
       calm3-sweden-C418 - Sweden
       hal1-subwoofer_lullaby-C418 - Subwoofer Lullaby
       hal2-living_mice-C418 - Living Mice
       hal3-haggstrom-C418 - Haggstrom
       hal4-danny-C418 - Danny
       nuance1-key-C418 - Key
       nuance2-oxygene-C418 - Oxygène
       piano1-dry_hands-C418 - Dry Hands
       piano2-wet_hands-C418 - Wet Hands
       piano3-mice_on_venus-C418 - Mice on Venus
