Template talk:Grid/Pulverizer

< Template talk:Grid

Weird spacing

Sometimes the Grid/Pulverizrer template adds weirdly big spaces below (or above?) when used mutiple times after another, like seen on Pulverized Silver / Pulverized Lead. Anyone knows where that originates from?

--Hannoman (talk) 02:55, 16 April 2014 (CEST)
Looks like I got it fixed. There was a problematic style setting that ended up making all content following the crafting grid "wait" for the infobox to be out of the way. Since the infobox was longer than the rest of the content before the crafting grid, the large space appeared until the infobox ended. Anyway, it's fixed now, although it looks like a few other templates may also have this issue... --dgelessus (talk · contribs) 23:32, 16 April 2014 (CEST)
Great! :D --Hannoman (talk) 02:21, 18 April 2014 (CEST)