Template:Grid/Distillation Tower (TrainCraft)

Template documentation (for the above template, sometimes hidden or invisible)

This template is used to display recipes for the Distillation Tower from TrainCraft.


Type {{Grid/Distillation Tower (TrainCraft)|<param>}} somewhere.


  • Input1: The input item. Default value is empty.
  • Input2: Slot for Empty Canister. Default value - Empty Canister (TrainCraft).
  • Output: Slot for fill Canister. Default value - Diesel Canister.
  • OA: Number of items for the Output slot. Default value is empty.
  • Output2: Slot for secondary Output. Default value - Plastic (TrainCraft).
  • O2A: Number of items for the Output2 slot. Default value is empty.
  • Chance: The chance for Output2 slot. Default value - 100%.
  • Fluid: The output fluid. Default value - Diesel (TrainCraft).
  • LiquidAmount: Volume of the output liquid. Default value - 1 (displayed as 1000mB).
  • XP: The Experience Points granted per item taken out of the Output2 slot. (there is a slot for plastic).

Additional parameters

Each slot parameter can be appended with several postfixes for additional functionality.

  • -image: The image for any slot, uses the grid image by default.
  • -link: The link for any slot, uses the name of the item in this slot by default.
  • -dict: The ore dictionary name for any slot, abcent by default. (Only for input slots)


{{Grid/Distillation Tower (TrainCraft)
|Input1=Sugar Canes


GUI Distillation Tower (TrainCraft).png
Distillation tower
0.2 XP
Sugar Canes
Empty Canister (TrainCraft)

Liquid Scale Distillation Tower (TrainCraft).png

Diesel Canister
Plastic (TrainCraft)

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