Talk:Sieve (Ex Nihilo)
[hide]Experimental Results
I've been running a test setup on my server with Agrarian Skies 2.1.2 to see what the probabilities of each output are for each material. Here are some results. --timrem (talk) 21:39, 8 May 2014 (CEST)
- I'm guessing you're using a more sophisticated way than just using Autonomous_Activator and counting the outputs? What are your ways, AE, Barrels? I'm guessing you're also using 8 or 16 sieves? Question mark?Imanton1 (talk) 02:44, 9 May 2014 (CEST)
- Separate AE networks for each input. Filled a 64k cell with the input, then set up a sieve with 5 Autonomous Activators pointing at it. Export bus to put the sand into one of the Autonomous Activators, with a vacuum hopper on an import bus to get the output. Each of dirt/sand/dust/etc has one of these setups, and I chunkloaded the thing and let it run. It was all set up in creative, on a different island than I'm actually playing on. --timrem (talk) 02:53, 9 May 2014 (CEST)
- Request to hide/remove statistics below? the NEI/EN overlap is evilly large Imanton1 (talk) 11:11, 18 May 2014 (CEST)
Processed 31,116:
- 113980 Stone (the Ex Nihilo pebbles)
- 2081 Seeds (basic vanilla wheat seeds)
- 2079 Grass Seeds
- 994 Melon Seeds
- 977 Sugar Cane Seeds
- 929 Pumpkin Seeds
- 618 Rubber Tree Seeds
- 510 Potato Seeds
- 499 Mana Bean
- 483 Carrot Seeds
- 455 Acorn
- 365 Birch Seed
- 329 Spruce Seed
Processed 31,029:
- 7641 Flint
- 6288 Broken Iron Ore
- 4468 Broken Tin Ore
- 4354 Broken Copper Ore
- 3900 Quicksilver Drop
- 3832 Amber
- 3824 Coal
- 3380 Broken Lead Ore
- 3097 Broken Aluminum Ore
- 2797 Broken Gold Ore
- 2787 Broken Nickel Ore
- 2779 Broken Silver Ore
- 1877 Apatite
- 1548 Lapis Lazuli
- 977 Broken Platinum
- 283 Diamond
- 237 Emerald
Processed 31,009:
- 6322 Crushed Iron Ore
- 5027 Certus Quartz
- 4449 Crushed Tin Ore
- 4384 Crushed Copper Ore
- 3417 Crushed Lead Ore
- 3051 Crushed Aluminum Ore
- 2849 Crushed Gold Ore
- 2846 Crushed Nickel Ore
- 2823 Crushed Silver Ore
- 2587 Limestone
- 970 Cactus Seeds
- 970 Cocoa Beans
- 959 Saguaro Fruit
- 927 Crushed Platinum Ore
- 486 Exotic Seed
- 235 Ancient Spores
Processed 31,043:
- 6261 Pulverized Iron Ore
- 6252 Bone Meal
- 5137 Certus Quartz Dust
- 4376 Pulverized Tin Ore
- 4366 Pulverized Copper Ore
- 3850 Redstone
- 3422 Pulverized Lead Ore
- 3102 Pulverized Aluminum Ore
- 2887 Pulverized Silver Ore
- 2873 Pulverized Nickel Ore
- 2821 Pulverized Gold Ore
- 1984 Glowstone Dust
- 1979 Gunpowder
- 1527 Blaze Powder
- 958 Pulverized Platinum Ore
Soul Sand
Processed 31,071:
- 41454 Nether Quartz
- 1492 Nether Wart
- 646 Thornvines
- 492 Ghast Tear
- 485 Duskberry Bush
- 465 Skyberry Bush
- 464 Blightberry Bush
- 456 Stingberry Bush
- 273 Green Glowshroom
- 259 Blood Sapling
- 249 Fusewood Sapling
- 236 Ghostwood Sapling
- 229 Purple Glowshroom
- 222 Darkwood Sapling
- 217 Blue Glowshroom
Processed 32,512:
- 257 Essence Berry Bush
- 151 Gold Oreberry Bush
- 145 Copper Oreberry Bush
- 131 Aluminum Oreberry Bush
- 124 Iron Oreberry Bush
- 123 Tin Oreberry Bush
Processed 32,512:
- 289 Rutile Ore
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