Talk:Ink Mixer

New chances

("gunpowder", "Disarm", 0.2F);
("bowlSoup", "Disarm", 0.05F);
("clay", "Generate Platform", 0.25F);
("expBottle", "Intra Linking", 0.15F);
("dyeBlack", "", 0.5F);
("enderPearl", "Intra Linking", 0.15F);
("enderPearl", "Disarm", 0.15F);
("feather", "Maintain Momentum", 0.15F);
("fireballCharge", "Disarm", 0.25F);
("dustBrass", "Disarm", 0.15F);
("dustBronze", "Disarm", 0.15F);
("dustTin", "Generate Platform", 0.1F);
("dustTin", "Intra Linking", 0.1F);
("dustIron", "Generate Platform", 0.15F);
("dustIron", "Intra Linking", 0.15F);
("dustLead", "Disarm", 0.2F);
("dustLead", "Intra Linking", 0.2F);
("dustSilver", "Generate Platform", 0.2F);
("dustSilver", "Intra Linking", 0.2F);
("dustDiamond", "Intra Linking", 0.25F);
("dustDiamond", "Maintain Momentum", 0.1F);
("dustDiamond", "Generate Platform", 0.1F);
("dustGold", "Intra Linking", 0.25F);
("dustGold", "Generate Platform", 0.1F);
("dustGold", "Disarm", 0.1F);

These are the numbers (e.g.: 0.1F = 10%) I got from the source code of the latest version of MystCraft. These percentages add up, meaning that if you add two things with 0.1F, it will result into a 20% chance of getting that certain effect. Some of these names used to have the original minecraft fieldnames and were converted using this github page.

I am not sure how the wiki uses tables, so I didn't bother trying to make it into a nice table, but I figure that some of you might be good with that.

That's all, thanks for reading and using this data to your advantage :) -Autom

Thanks for the numbers, added them to the table :) --dgelessus (talk · contribs) 23:23, 8 March 2014 (CET)