Talk:Bee Breeding

For each frame, if the production modifier is less than 10, multiply it by two.
This means that the maximum production in an alveary is achieved using four frames (1.0 * 2^4 = 16).

Huh? Since when did this happen? Afaik in versions of Forestry before Minecraft 1.5, you could get arbitrary high production modifiers (only the final chance P is obviously capped at 100%). In versions of Forestry for Minecraft 1.5 and later, you could still get higher production modifiers, but if it is higher than 16 there is a chance that the bee degenerates. Am I wrong with this, or is it the wiki page?
Additionally, not every frames doubles the production modifier, only the three basic forestry frames. Other frames (like soul frame) can even reduce the modifier. I think the wiki page should be more clear about this. 11:09, 10 June 2013 (CEST)

The numbers are definitely wrong here, as this ignores the base chance of creating a given item and attempts to fit production of all bee products into one slot with a given probability. As detailed on the Alveary article, the maximum number of frames is around six to eight (sometimes as low as four or so) depending on the chance of producing a given product, the speed trait of the queen, whether or not it's an Alveary, and so forth.
What do you mean by a bee "degenerating"? I've never had that happen to my bees when I put Fastest Worker traits on them and made it so that I received two of each Simmering Combs and Glowstone Dust (using Demonic Bees) every 27.5 seconds without fail (Fastest Worker Demonic Bee in an Alveary with three each default Forestry frames) and, after about ten queens present in an Alveary, no negative effects were incurred. Of course, it's possible that not enough frames were present. I'm not sure. Still, an explanation of this effect would also be useful on this page. DigitallyApocalyptic (talk) 16:53, 10 June 2013 (CEST)
Well, this is a feature (or better: nerf) added in forestry for minecraft version 1.5 and later. If the production modifier of the bee housing is larger than 16 (or the mutation modifier is larger than 10), then the bee has a chance to be marked as not of natural origin (same as bees created by alveary swarmers) - this means it will eventually die without giving another princess as offspring. This effect only takes into account the frames (and mutator blocks and so on - basically all modifiers of the bee housing), but not the speed of the bee, base production chances (or mutation chances) and so on. Also, this feature only exists from 1.5 onwards, not in the current Ultimate (DW20, Mindcrack) packs.
Oh, and thanks for your edits. I will clean it up a bit more (and add additional informaion on the production) once I have some spare time. 22:26, 10 June 2013 (CEST)