
"It takes frames worth 354 logs and 354 string per 24 hours to keep an Alveary working at maximum speed." Untreated frame: Durability 80. Max number of frames: 8 (as 8 frames will always max out the production) according to the same article. Alveary Tick: 27.5s (550 ticks) = 3141.82 ~ 3142 Alveary Ticks per 24hours. This is 39.275 (~40) times the durability of a untreated frame. Maxing out at 8 Frames/Alveary this maxes out at 320 Frames per day. The same amount in logs and string. Why does the author of this article propose 354 frames, even though generous rounding up only results in 320 frames. Or did I make any mistakes in my calculation?

Side note: Impregnated frame: Durability 240 costs: 8 Logs, 1 string, some oil 13.09 Frames/(Frame housing + Day) * 8 Frame housings = 104.7 (~105) Frames/day = 840 Logs & 105 Strings day.