Steve's Carts Reborn

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Steve's Carts Reborn
Steve's Carts Reborn
Name Steve's Carts Reborn
Creator modmuss50, Gory_Moon, Nedelosk, Vswe
Type Redstone, Automation
Latest Version
Minecraft Version 1.10.2+
Website Minecraft CurseForge
Root Mod Minecraft Forge
Modpacks Feed The Beast Beyond

Steve's Carts Reborn is a (1.10.2+) fork mod project of the Steve's Carts 2 mod.

Just as Steve's Carts 2, it is an mod dedicated to extending the minecart capabilities to their maximum. Instead of the vanilla variety, Steve's Carts Reborn adds a clever system of upgrades and addons towards a functioning mobile vehicle. This is not a matter of making them look as fancy as possible, but instead a way to add features you'd like to have in a cart. Features include but are in no way limited to drills, auto-railing, solar power, onboard storage (including liquids), minecart farmer, pyrotechnics cart, fully controllable ride-able vehicles, shields and auto-shooters. New modules can be matched and mixed with very few limitations to the creation of the vehicle, but it is still incredibly easy to get started.

Getting Started[edit]

Blocks/Items needed:

  • A Cart Assembler - This item allows the player to assemble its cart through its GUI
  • Cargo Manager - Collects items or loads items towards a passing cart
  • Advanced Detector Rail - Stops a cart as it passes the Cargo Manager to off/onload items
  • Module Toggler - Enables/disables different modules when the cart passes by