Seal Binding
Seal Binding is a concept of creating networks from Warded Jars, that helps in alchemy.
For the process you need the following:
- Several colored Jar Binding Seals.
- Warded Jars.
Operating the Network[edit]
Network Creation[edit]
- Place a Warded Jar on the ground.
- Shift+ Right click on it with Jar Binding Seal.
- Warded Jar will turn into Bound Jar and a random name of the network it belongs to will be generated.
Network Expansion[edit]
- Right click a Bound Jar with Jar Binding Seal. the Seal will be linked to this network.
- Shift + Right click the linked Seal on any other Warded Jar.
- Now a rift between these jars will be created, and they will be able to share the Essentia stored in them. You can input to one and output from another.
Examples of Usage of the Network[edit]
Network Usage with Essentia consuming machines[edit]
- Place one of the network's jars to take the Essentia from Alchemical Furnace or Advanced Alchemical Furnace.
- Place the other near the machine to supply it.
- To prevent unwanted types of Essentia from getting into the Network, connect the first jar with Filtered Essentia Tube.
Network Usage with Infusion[edit]
- Place one of the network's jars to take the Essentia from Alchemical Furnace or Advanced Alchemical Furnace.
- Place the other jar of the same network near Infusion setup.
- Extract from it to distribute the Essentia between the jars for the Infusion.