
Millénaire's original Culture, the Normans are also the biggest in term of content. They are based on 11th-century Norman villages on the coast of France, and speak French. They have Villages centered on Forts, Manors, Abbeys and guild houses. They produce different food, like Bread, Cider, Calva, Boudin, and Tripes. Their most useful speciality however is probably their excellent Norman tools available from the Forge, the Norman Broadsword and the Norman Armor from the Armory.

Their advanced buildings are often built of Timber Frame, a block made by a Carpenter. Finally, their villages can build a Market, where foreign Merchants will sell rare goods, such as the Viking Merchant's Amulets. This culture has dialogue for the villagers to speak when they aren't busy.


Village Type
Village agricole Agricultural Village
Village d'artisans Artisanal Village
Village ecclésiastique Religious Village
Village militaire Military Village
Bourg autonome Independent Town
Seigneurie Player Controlled Village
Gros bourg Town
  • (Agricultural Hamlet)
  • (Religious Hamlet)
  • (Industrious Hamlet)

Lone Structures

Name Norman
Lone Abbey Abbaye
Lone Lumberman's hut Hutte de Bûcheron
Lone Mill Meunier solitaire
Lone Mine Mine
Lone Inn Auberge Isolée
Ruined Farm Ferme en ruine
Abandoned Mill Moulin Abandonnè
Abandoned Mine Mine Abandonnè
Abandoned Tower Tour Abandonnè
Bandit Lair Repère de Bandits
Bandit Tower Tour de Bandits
Bandit Fort Chàteau de Fèlon