
The third Culture added to Millénaire, the Mayans were designed by MinerMiah. They live in military, agricultural or religious villages and build massive stone and cobblestone structures. They can farm Maize, from which they make Mayan food: Masa (Maize tortillas) and Wah (a tortilla wrapped on chicken meat). They also craft great Mayan Carvings and Ornamental Gold Blocks with which to decorate their palaces and temples. This culture has dialogue for the villagers to speak, when they aren't busy (currently only English and French)


Village Type
Village Milpa Agricultural Village
Village Jub'uy Military Village
Village Costumbre Religious Village
Player's Jub'uy Player Controlled Village

Lone Structures

Name Mayan
Bandits Home K'as Otoch
Bandits Outpost K'as Koloh-che'
Lone Cave Ch'en
Lone Farm Maya Makan
Lone Shaman's Grounds Ah Waay Su'uk
Lost Mayan Corn Farm Sa'at Maya Maize Makan
Lost Mayan Home Sa'at Maya Otoch
Lost Pyramid Sa'at Muul
Lost Stone Mine Sa'at Tunich In-ti'a'al