Jug o' Grog

Jug o' Grog
Item Jug o' Grog.png

Name Jug o' Grog
Source Mod Magic Cookies
ID Name
Type Item
Stackable No

Jug o' Grog is an item added by the Magic Cookies mod. It can be consumed by the player to give random effects.

Thaumcraft 4 Research Notes

Jug o' Grog
Insanity Relief... or is it

Thaumonomicon Entry

"Whilst cooking you have found mixing some ingredients and letting them stew has some nice effects on your mind.

The relief from the insanity of warp practises is welcome to you so you found a way to store this relief and carry it with you by crafting flasks that can carry a generous amount of this substance that you dubbed "Grog".

The effects of the Grog get increasingly stronger with every sip you take.

Whilst smelting your trial flasks you also thought that sipping from flasks could become tiresome after a night of partying and you might drop the breakable flask from your fingers

So you set making a stury container to aid you in consuming this liquor.

You can fill multiple jugs by placing them in a crafting table it with a flask that holds some grog. The flask will be depleted of the amount of sips it takes to fill the jugs."


GUI Crafting Table.png
Hardened Clay flask

Jug o' Grog

Note: The Hardened Clay flask has to be with Grog.


Jug o' Grog has no known uses in crafting.