Big Backpack

Big Backpack
Item Big Black Backpack.png

Grid Big Black Backpack.png

Name Big Backpack
Source Mod Backpacks
ID Name Unknown
Type Inventory
Stackable No

Big Backpack is a compact storage which can be carried by a player. Big Backpacks have 54 slots available (the same amount as a Double Chest). If a player uses a dye when crafting a Big Backpack, it will result in a colored Big Backpack, making it easier to distinguish backpacks used for different items and blocks.


GUI Crafting Table.png
Tanned Leather
Tanned Leather
Tanned Leather
Tanned Leather
Tanned Leather
Tanned Leather
Tanned Leather
Tanned Leather
Big Backpack

Note: Placing a dye in the middle will result in a colored backpack.