
Name Mantle
Creator Unknown
Type Coremod/Library
Latest Version 0.3.2
Minecraft Version 1.7.10
Forum CurseForge Overview
Add-on Mods Baubley Heart Canisters
Tinkers' Construct
Tinkers' Construct 3
Root Mod Unspecified
Modpacks Age of Engineering
Bevo's Tech Pack
Blast Off!
Cloud 9 1.7 Pack
Crundee Craft
Direwolf20 1.10
Direwolf20 1.12 Pack
Direwolf20 1.16 Pack
Direwolf20 1.7 Pack
Feed The Beast Beyond
Feed The Beast Builders Paradise
Feed The Beast Continuum
Feed The Beast Departed
Feed The Beast Egg Hunt
Feed The Beast Horizons: Daybreaker

Mantle is a library that is used to store similar code across some Forge mods to reduce the amount of repeated code. The library contains descriptive book code and common inventories.

Tinker's Construct and Tinkers' Mechworks require this mod. Any add-on mod to Tinker's Construct also requires Mantle by the transitive property.