Darkened Bee (Forestry)

This article is about the Forestry species. You may be looking for the Extra Bees species.
Darkened Bee
Item Darkened Bee (Forestry).png

Darkened Bee (Forestry)

Apis pahimas
Name Darkened Bee
Grid Honey Comb.png Production Speed: Slowest min
Specialty Product
Grid Darkened Comb.png
Required Humidity Normal
Required Temperature Normal
Pollinates With Flowers
Effect None
Source Mod Forestry
Possible Descendants 2 Species

The Darkened Bee is a bee added by Forestry which is only breedable in the Feed The Beast Retro SSP Pack and SMP Pack. For these Retro Packs, a special version of Forestry was designed that allowed for this bee (and the two related species, the Reddened Bee and the Omega Bee) to be bred.

Darkened Bees were intended to link in with Equivalent Exchange 2, the older version of Equivalent Exchange, and use components from that mod in the process of breeding.

Darkened Bees can still be obtained via the /givedrone and /giveprincess commands in the non-FTB versions of Forestry, as can Reddened and Omega bees. However, this is the only method of obtaining them in all packs except Retro SSP/SMP.


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This article contains detailed information of discoveries, recipes, or secrets, which are intended to be discovered through in-game mechanics.
Breeding Pair Chance Result
Modest Bee x Wintry Bee

Modest + Wintry

0% (see below) Darkened Bee


In FTB Retro SSP/SMP only. Requires a block of Dark Matter under the Apiary and a Mark 2 Antimatter Relay next to the Apiary with one Dark Matter's worth of EMC inside for each desired mutation. One pure princess and two pure drones costs 6 DM's worth of EMC.

Further Mutations[edit]

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This article contains detailed information of discoveries, recipes, or secrets, which are intended to be discovered through in-game mechanics.
Breeding Pair Chance Result
Darkened Bee x Tropical Bee

Darkened + Tropical

0% (see below) Reddened Bee


In FTB Retro SSP/SMP only. Requires a block of Red Matter under the Apiary and a Mark 3 Antimatter Relay next to the Apiary with one Red Matter's worth of EMC inside for each desired mutation. One pure princess and two pure drones costs 6 RM's worth of EMC.
Darkened Bee x Reddened Bee

Darkened + Reddened

 ??% Omega Bee


In FTB Retro SSP/SMP only. Must be bred in the Nether.