Sickly Twilight Oak Sapling

Sickly Twilight Oak Sapling
Sickly Twilight Oak Sapling

Name Sickly Twilight Oak Sapling
Source Mod Twilight Forest
ID Name
OreDict Name
Type Block
Stackable Yes (64)
Blast Resistance 0.0
Hardness 0.0
Burn Time 100 ticks (0.5 Items)
Solid No
Transparent Yes
Affected by Gravity No
Emits Light No
Flammable No
Required Tool Any tool

The Sickly Twilight Oak Sapling is a type of sapling that is most often acquired when Twilight Oak Leaves are broken. The Sickly Twilight Oak Sapling is not a "weak" sapling, contrary to its name, generating a Twilight Oak that is equivalent to a normal Oak tree due to how Twilight Oak Wood functions and due to the fact that the Sickly Twilight Oak Sapling uses exactly the same generation algorithm to make a tree that a regular Oak sapling would.

This tree will be composed of Twilight Oak Wood and Twilight Oak Leaves in the same quantity as one would find in a normal Oak tree. This means that this sapling is one of the only saplings in the Twilight Forest that could potentially be used in a tree farm of some sort (the other being the Rainbow Oak Sapling) as it does not generate a large and sprawling structure and could be farmed in enclosed spaces or underground and does not generate any Root blocks, making cleanup less of a chore.

The Sickly Twilight Oak tree does not generate normally, instead normal oak and birch trees can be found all around the forest.

The Sickly Twilight Oak Sapling is the counterpart to the Robust Twilight Oak Sapling, a sapling which generates a much larger tree of the same type but is only found as extremely rare loot in chests in the Labyrinth or other similarly difficult-to-defeat Twilight Forest Landmarks.


Sickly Twilight Oak Sapling can be used to create the following items: