Red Matter Explosives

Red Matter Explosives
Red Matter Explosives

Name Red Matter Explosives
Source Mod ICBM
ID Name Unknown
Type Block
Stackable Yes (64)
Solid Yes
Transparent No
Affected by Gravity No
Emits Light No
Flammable No
Required Tool Unknown

Red matter is a strange and rare matter that causes a very devastating effect, hence classified as tier four. It is also known as strange matter and has an near infinite gravity. Upon releasing this substance into the world, it will suck in all nearby blocks, creating a black hole. The red matter explosive utilizes this type of matter and contains it so it will not activate unless the explosive is detonated. Once it is detonated, it will slowly suck in nearby blocks gaining gravity as it does so and increasing its destruction radius until it reaches its maximum size of 35 blocks.

The "explosion" created by the red matter will stay for a few minutes until it is pushed extremely far away by antimatter so it won't bother you or until it comes into contact with another red matter "explosion". However, there is a chance in which it does not annihilate, and instead merges into a more powerful red matter "explosion". Red matter can be pushed by explosives.

Damage created by the explosive can easily be fixed by the Rejuvenation Explosives.

Operators of a server can type "/icbm lag RADIUS_OF_EFFECT" command to remove Red Matter and stop the explosion from happening.


GUI Crafting Table.png
Strange Matter
Strange Matter
Strange Matter
Strange Matter
Antimatter Explosives
Strange Matter
Strange Matter
Strange Matter
Strange Matter
Red Matter Explosives


GUI Crafting Table.png
Missile Module
Red Matter Explosives

Red Matter Missile