Mossy Towerwood

Mossy Towerwood
Mossy Towerwood

Name Mossy Towerwood
Source Mod Twilight Forest
ID Name
OreDict Name
Type Block
Stackable Yes (64)
Blast Resistance 30
Hardness 40
Burn Time 300 ticks (1.5 Items)
Solid Yes
Transparent No
Affected by Gravity No
Emits Light No
Flammable No
Required Tool Any tool will work, but an axe is the most efficient.

Mossy Towerwood is one of the numerous types of Towerwood present in Dark Towers found in the Twilight Forest. Mossy Towerwood is different from normal Towerwood only aesthetically in that it has a "mossy" overlay on its texture and in that the texture is slightly lighter in color than normal Towerwood Planks. Mossy Towerwood takes exactly the same amount of time to mine as normal Towerwood Planks. Mossy Towerwood is sprinkled at random throughout the walls and floor of Dark Towers. Mossy Towerwood appears to emulate the Mossy Stone Bricks of vanilla Minecraft's Strongholds.


Mossy Towerwood can be used to create the following items: