Mixer (Factorization)



Name Mixer
Source Mod Factorization
ID Name Unknown
Type Machine
Stackable Yes (64)

The Mixer is a machine from the Factorization mod, primarily used during ore processing to mix Dirty Ore Gravel with Water to produce Clean Ore Chunks, which slightly increases the yield of metals. It is the second stage in the Factorization ore processing process: Grinder -> Mixer -> Slag Furnace -> Crystallizer -> Furnace.

The Mixer has 4 input and 4 output slots. Combining 1 or 8 of any kind of Dirty Ore Gravel with any Water container will produce 1 or 8 of the respective Clean Ore Chunks, sometimes Sludge, and an empty liquid container (only if a Bucket was used).

It is also possible to create any crafting grid recipe with four or less different items in a Mixer. It is however not possible to create all Mixer recipes in a crafting grid.

Items can automatically be placed into a Mixer from the top side. The output can be extracted from all other sides. If using an Item Router, Clean Ore Chunks will be in slot 4, empty Buckets in slot 5, and Sludge in slot 6.


GUI Crafting Table.png
Pressurizer (Factorization)

Water Bucket (Minecraft)
Motor (Factorization)
Water Bucket (Minecraft)
Lead Ingot (Factorization)
Lead Ingot (Factorization)
Mixer (Factorization)

Known Bugs[edit]

  • The spinning animation of the Pressurizer may not always show.
  • Using IndustrialCraft2 Water Cells as a Water source will result in a crash and world corruption when the Mixer attempts to empty the cells. (Unleashed 1.1.3)
