Matter Cannon

Matter Cannon
Matter Cannon

Name Matter Cannon
Source Mod Applied Energistics
ID Name
Type Item
Stackable No

The Matter Cannon is an item added by the Applied Energistics mod. An powered weapon which can shoot small nuggets of matter. The amount of damage that the weapon afflicts is relative to the ammo used. Ammo made of heavy material such as lead or gold nugget is best, lighter material and a Matter Ball is not as effective at dealing damage. The Matter Cannon's built in memory cell functions like an ME Storage Cell that can hold one type of item only. To use the Matter Cannon, it must first be formatted to recieve the ammo of choice using an ME Preformatter or Cell Workbench (AE2). It may now be loaded by inserting it in an ME Drive, given the formatted ammo is available in the ME Network it will be automatically transferred to the Cannon. The Matter Cannon must be charged with energy to function, this can be done using an ME Power Relay or the various other charging blocks found in IndustrialCraft2, Thermal Expansion, or Extra Utilities.


GUI Crafting Table.png
Iron Ingot
Iron Ingot
Conversion Matrix
Storage Segment
Energy Cell (Applied Energistics)

Iron Ingot

Matter Cannon


Matter Cannon has no known uses in crafting.