Digging Turtle

Digging Turtle
Digging Turtle

Name Digging Turtle
Source Mod ComputerCraft
ID Name Unknown
Type Mobile computer
Stackable Yes (64)
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The Digging Turtle is an upgraded Turtle, added by the ComputerCraft mod. It can dig soil-like blocks like dirt, gravel and sand. It can be controlled with the Turtle API.

As of now the Digging Turtle is inferior to the Mining Turtle, as the Mining Turtle can mine soil but the Digging Turtle can not shovel rock. One minor exception is that snow can only drop snowballs when dug by a Digging Turtle (A Block Breaker, Glacial Precipitator, or Ice in a Compressor can be used instead for snowball harvesting). However, you only need 1 gem to construct a Digging Turtle, whereas you need 3 to construct a Mining Turtle.


GUI Crafting Table.png
Turtle (ComputerCraft)
Diamond Shovel

Digging Turtle
GUI Crafting Table.png
Turtle (ComputerCraft)
Sapphire Shovel

Digging Turtle

GUI Crafting Table.png
Turtle (ComputerCraft)
Green_Sapphire Shovel

Digging Turtle
GUI Crafting Table.png
Turtle (ComputerCraft)
Ruby Shovel

Digging Turtle

Note that:

  • Each recipe is reversible, but not shapeless.
  • Only the shovels listed can be used (i.e. an iron shovel does not work).
  • The shovel must have no damage.
  • Enchantments on the shovel will have no effect on the Digging Turtle's digging.
  • The type of shovel used will be shown on the side of the turtle.


Crafty Digging Turtle[edit]

GUI Crafting Table.png
Digging Turtle
Crafting Table

Crafty Digging Turtle

Wireless Digging Turtle[edit]

GUI Crafting Table.png
Digging Turtle
Wireless Modem

Wireless Digging Turtle