Brass Gear

Brass Gear
Brass Gear

Name Brass Gear
Source Mod RedPower 2
ID Name Unknown
Type Item
Stackable Yes (64)

The Brass Gear is an item added by the RedPower 2 mod which is similar to the Gears from BuildCraft. Currently, its only use is in crafting the Blulectric Engine, an engine that converts Blutricity to MJ at a rate of 1,000 Watts of Blutricity to 1 Minecraft Joule.


GUI Crafting Table.png
Brass Ingot (RedPower 2)
Brass Ingot (RedPower 2)

Brass Ingot (RedPower 2)
Brass Ingot (RedPower 2)
Stone Gear (BuildCraft)
Brass Ingot (RedPower 2)
Brass Ingot (RedPower 2)

Brass Ingot (RedPower 2)
Brass Ingot (RedPower 2)

Brass Gear

Alternative recipe is enabled in redpower settings compat.gear.altRecipe = 1.

GUI Crafting Table.png
Brass Ingot (RedPower 2)
Brass Ingot (RedPower 2)

Brass Ingot (RedPower 2)
Brass Ingot (RedPower 2)
Iron Panel Strip
Brass Ingot (RedPower 2)
Brass Ingot (RedPower 2)

Brass Ingot (RedPower 2)
Brass Ingot (RedPower 2)

Brass Gear


Brass Gear can be used to create the following items: