Basic Logistics Pipe

Basic Logistics Pipe
Basic Logistics Pipe

Name Basic Logistics Pipe
Source Mod Logistics Pipes
ID Name Unknown
Type Logistics Pipe
Stackable Yes (64)
Solid Yes
Transparent No
Affected by Gravity No
Emits Light No
Flammable No
Required Tool Any tool

The Basic Logistics Pipe is a central part of the Logistics Pipes mod. Besides being used to craft any other Logistics Pipe, they also provide full routing functionality in a logistics system. They can also act as a destination for up to nine different items, or as a default route for items that do not have any other destination.

Basic Logistics Pipes are also necessary to connect a logistics system to a Logistics Power Junction. Any other logistics pipe will not connect to a power junction. A single basic pipe is sufficient to power all other pipes connected physically via other pipes.

The central part of the pipe has a small square on each corner that will be red if the pipe is not receiving power from the network and green when powered. There are also colored lines on each end connected to an adjacent pipe or inventory. A red line indicates that there is no other logistics pipe in that direction, a red and green line means that there is another logistics pipe, but no power is received, and a full green line means that another logistics pipe is connected and powered. All other types of logistics pipes also have these indicators.


Right-clicking with a BuildCraft-compatible Wrench opens the pipe's GUI. The top 9 slots in the GUI can be used to designate items to be routed into the adjacent inventory. The Default Route button defaults to "No" but if changed to "Yes" will allow any item entering the network without a destination to be routed to the adjacent inventory.


GUI Crafting Table.png
Redstone Torch
Cobblestone Transport Pipe
Diamond Transport Pipe
Cobblestone Transport Pipe

Gold Gear (BuildCraft)

Basic Logistics Pipe
GUI Crafting Table.png
Redstone Torch
Cobblestone Transport Pipe
Diamond Transport Pipe
Cobblestone Transport Pipe

Redstone Golden Chipset

Basic Logistics Pipe